Module Scad_ml.Vec3

3-dimensional vector type.

In addition to basic math and vector operations, relevant transformation functions (and aliases) are mirroring those found in Scad are provided. This allows for points in space represented by this type to moved around in a similar fashion to Scad.t.

include module type of struct include Vec3 end
type t = float * float * float
val zero : t

Zero vector = (0., 0., 0.)

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Basic Arithmetic

val horizontal_op : (float -> float -> float) -> t -> t -> t

horizontal_op f a b

Hadamard (element-wise) operation between vectors a and b using the function f.

val add : t -> t -> t

add a b

Hadamard (element-wise) addition of vectors a and b.

val sub : t -> t -> t

sub a b

Hadamard (element-wise) subtraction of vector b from a.

val mul : t -> t -> t

mul a b

Hadamard (element-wise) product of vectors a and b.

val div : t -> t -> t

div a b

Hadamard (element-wise) division of vector a by b.

val negate : t -> t

negate t

Negation of all elements of t.

val add_scalar : t -> float -> t

add_scalar t s

Element-wise addition of s to t.

val sub_scalar : t -> float -> t

sub_scalar t s

Element-wise subtraction of s from t.

val mul_scalar : t -> float -> t

mul_scalar t s

Element-wise multiplication of t by s.

val div_scalar : t -> float -> t

div_scalar t s

Element-wise division of t by s.

Vector Math

val norm : t -> float

norm t

Calculate the vector norm (a.k.a. magnitude) of t.

val distance : t -> t -> float

distance a b

Calculate the magnitude of the difference (Hadamard subtraction) between a and b.

val normalize : t -> t

normalize t

Normalize t to a vector for which the magnitude is equal to 1. e.g. norm (normalize t) = 1.

val dot : t -> t -> float

dot a b

Vector dot product of a and b.

val cross : t -> t -> t

cross a b

Vector cross product of a and b.

val mean : t list -> t

mean l

Calculate the mean / average of all vectors in l.


Equivalent to those found in Scad. Quaternion operations are provided when this module is included in Scad_ml.

val rotate_x : float -> t -> t

rotate_x theta t

Rotate t by theta radians about the x-axis.

val rotate_y : float -> t -> t

rotate_y theta t

Rotate t by theta radians about the y-ayis.

val rotate_z : float -> t -> t

rotate_z theta t

Rotate t by theta radians about the z-azis.

val rotate : t -> t -> t

rotate r t

Euler (xyz) rotation of t by the angles in theta. Equivalent to rotate_x rx t |> rotate_y ry |> rotate_z rz, where (rx, ry, rz) = r.

val rotate_about_pt : t -> t -> t -> t

rotate_about_pt r pivot t

Translates t along the vector pivot, euler rotating the resulting vector with r, and finally, moving back along the vector pivot. Functionally, rotating about the point in space arrived at by the initial translation along the vector pivot.

val translate : t -> t -> t

translate p t

Translate t along the vector p. Equivalent to add.

val scale : t -> t -> t

scale s t

Scale t by factors s. Equivalent to mul.

val mirror : t -> t -> t

mirror ax t

Mirrors t on a plane through the origin, defined by the normal vector ax.

val projection : t -> t

projection t

Project t onto the XY plane.


val map : (float -> 'b) -> t -> 'b * 'b * 'b
val get_x : t -> float
val get_y : t -> float
val get_z : t -> float
val to_string : t -> string
val deg_of_rad : t -> t

deg_of_rad t

Element-wise conversion of t from radians to degrees.

val rad_of_deg : t -> t

rad_to_deg t

Element-wise conversion of t from degrees to radians.

2d - 3d conversion

val to_vec2 : t -> float * float
val of_vec2 : (float * float) -> t

Infix operations

val (<+>) : t -> t -> t

a <+> b

Hadamard (element-wise) addition of a and b.

val (<->) : t -> t -> t

a <-> b

Hadamard (element-wise) subtraction of b from a.

val (<*>) : t -> t -> t

a <*> b

Hadamard (element-wise) product of a and b.

val (</>) : t -> t -> t

a </> b

Hadamard (element-wise) division of a by b.

val quaternion : Quaternion.t -> Vec3.t -> Vec3.t

quaternion q t

Rotate t with the quaternion q.

val quaternion_about_pt : Quaternion.t -> Vec3.t -> Vec3.t -> Vec3.t

quaternion_about_pt q p t

Translates t along the vector p, rotating the resulting vector with the quaternion q, and finally, moving back along the vector p. Functionally, rotating about the point in space arrived at by the initial translation along the vector p.